SSL Certificates

SSL Certificates

“Secure your website wherever you are”

Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encrypts the communication between website owner and website visitors so no-one else can eavesdrop or steal information. It also verifies website’s identity to make sure it’s legitimate.

SSL Certificates increase SEO, protect site visitors, and let them know they can trust website platform.

  • SSL validation types
    • Domain Validation SSL Certificate (For any website)
    • Organization Validation SSL Certificate (For business)
    • Extended Validation SSL Certificate (For business and e-commerce websites)
  • How SSL works
  • SSL encrypts the connection between their browser and website, meaning only website owner and website visitors can read the information exchanged.

    A confirming padlock icon and ‘https://’ will appear in the browser. In case of an Extended Validation (EV) SSL, website owner’s company name will also be displayed, so everyone knows you’re verified as 100% legit.

    You’re all set with a fully encrypted line of communication between website owner and website visitors. No-one else can snoop in or steal information. Website visitors are protected.