
  • The case-study covers the e-Procurement goals, implementation challenges, driving factors, preferred Information Technology (IT) tools, and the solution for order processing.

  • e-Procurement Services in Govt. of Gujarat
  • Since November 2006, (n)Code Solutions has been chosen by the Government of Gujarat to serve as the Application Services Provider (ASP) for e-procurement. This online bidding system, called e-Procurement, enhances efficiency, transparency, and cost savings for government tendering.

  • Objectives
  • The Government is enhancing efficiency through e-enabled processes, mainly focusing on cost-effective procurement. The eProcurement project was launched to achieve this, involving online bidding, streamlined procedures, and transparency, leading to time and cost savings. Supported by www.nprocure.com, it offers comprehensive e-procurement services. Managed by (n)Code, this model eliminates upfront costs, risks, and resource demands. Over 600,000 e-Tenders have been processed. The system covers various transactions like goods, medicines, construction projects, outsourcing, auctions, and work orders.

Financial Year-wise Tenders & ECV (in Crs.)

e-Procurement Usage Summary

Project Status Highlights

E-Procurement is a part of Government-to-Business (G2B), involving electronic interactions between government and businesses. The project has achieved significant milestones since its initiation in October 2004, rapidly becoming a cornerstone of governmental operations, ensuring fairness and compliance while freeing civil servants from paperwork

Total e-Tenders
Rs. 6.00 Lacs
Rs. 9,25,929 Crores
Mandatory for all Government Departments
Project Started in
October 2004
January 2007
Online Tendering
Offices Involved
Monthly Tenders Surged
March 2023 on average
Daily Bidder Sessions
Training Programs Held
Participants in Sessions
Buyers and Bidders
Registered Successful e-Tenders
Last 10 Financial Years Data
Tenders Worth
Avg. 40,000
Crores Annually
Rs. 51,956.58
  • Challenges:
  • Developing a fitting strategy is crucial for e-Procurement success. It involves thorough planning, clear goals, and long-term thinking. Many public institutions make the mistake of merely moving their services online without considering necessary process improvements. To succeed, governments must craft a solid strategy, analyzing costs, benefits, and obstacles. Similar to the private sector, e-Procurement should prioritize customer-oriented services, providing improved access to information and equitable procedures for the public and businesses.

  • E-Procurement Trust Tools:
  • It includes digital signatures, bid encryption, interactive bid forms, and secure bid evaluation. They ensure authentication, integrity, and authorization, with digital certificates and encryption keys for authorized personnel.

  • Ensuring Security in e-Procurement:
  • The e-Procurement system ensures security through various measures: it employs security features like activity logging and data encryption, maintains an audit trail for activities and configuration changes, secures administrator access through dual-level verification, restricts access to sensitive information until evaluation is complete, utilizes SSL certificates for encrypted communication, and safeguards against unauthorized access with firewalls and intrusion detection systems.

  • Recognition for e-Procurement Achievements:
    1. National Award for e-Governance 2014-15: Innovative Enhancement in Existing Project.
    2. CSI-Nihilent e-Governance Awards 2011-12: Acknowledgment for Sustaining e-Procurement.
    3. National Award for e-Governance 2008-09: Exemplary Transfer of ICT-Based Best Practice (Bronze Medal).
    4. Government Technology Award 2007: Excellence in 'Connected Government Best Practice'.
    5. CSI-Nihilent e-Governance Awards 2007: Best G2B e-Governance Project.

Contact us to know more: Mr. Jaimin Vyas (Phone Number: (079) 66743524 | Email id: jaymin@ncode.in)