Managed PKI Services

Managed PKI Services

(n)Code Solutions CA provides organizations with a convenient and legally valid PKI solution through its managed PKI services. This allows organizations to obtain digital certificates for their employees, partners, affiliates, and customers, enabling secure access to various enterprise resources such as email, networks, VPN, ERP systems, applications, data, extranets, portals, and more, all without the need for substantial investments in PKI infrastructure.

With this service, organizations can efficiently manage the issuance and revocation of certificates in accordance with their organizational policies and requirements. (n)Code Solutions CA delivers these managed PKI solutions through a robust CA infrastructure, which has been established in collaboration with technical support from Entrust Inc. USA and Critical Path USA. (n)Code Solutions CA is fully prepared to meet the demands of managed PKI services and has a comprehensive disaster recovery plan in place to ensure uninterrupted and trouble-free operations for clients on a 24x7x365 basis.