Document Signer

Document Signer

Document Signing certificates allow individuals, teams and organizations to add an electronic, digital signature to a document in a variety of file formats to prove ownership.

The Organizational Document Signer Certificates enable automatic bulk digital signing of documents by organizations by integrating them into their software application. Document Signer Certificates are issued in the name of Organization Document Signer. These fall under the category of Special Purpose Certificates, in the IOG (Interoperability Guidelines for Digital Signature Certificates issued under Information Technology Act. Version 3.5 20 June 2018 issued by CCA) these are termed as ‘Organizational Document Signer Certificate’ and are issued to organizational software applications for operating automatically to authenticate documents/information attributed to the organization by using Digital Signature applied to the document documents/Information. They contain additional Object Identifier (OID) in “Certificate Policies of the certificate as (2.16.356.100.10.1) to limits the usage of this certificate only in the context of automated signing and also to reflect organizational accountability.

The Organizational Document Signer Certificates is different from a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) issued to an Organization for use of a person in official capacity bearing the name of the department or subdivision of the organization the person belongs to.

Therefore, it may be noted that ‘Document Signer Certificate’ is not a replacement for the signature of the authorized signatory of the organization.