Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing
Portfolio of Services:
Internet - data center managed hosting & cloud computing services
  • Colocation
    • Upto 99.99% uptime SLA.
    • Custom-designed racks in per-device increments of 1U, quarter-half and full rack spaces.
  • Bandwidth
    • Reliable 10Mbps to 50Mbps Bandwidth for DC Hosted customer, as well as through a dedicated leased line.
    • Continuous monitoring of packet loss, latency and round-trip intervals for maximum uptime.
  • Managed Firewall
    • High-availability firewall services.
    • 24X7 monitoring of firewall functionality.
  • Backup and Storage
    • Shared SAN.
    • Flexibility to use SAN Storage without incurring CAPEX and hosting expenses.
  • Cloud Computing
    • An enterprise-grade infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) solution at zero CAPEX. Instant Provisioning via (n)Code Orchestrator.
    • Choose from Fixed/Elastic billing plans. Storage options available for SAN/NAS. Upto 99.99% committed uptime on (n)Code’s Network and Infrastructure.
  • Profile and services overview
  • Our journey toward cloud started way back in 2005, when we pioneered SaaS based eprocurement Solution. In 2006, we were the first company in Gujarat to virtualize the data center servers. Building on several years of expertise, (n)Code Solutions, a trusted name for security and data center solutions, now offers same trust, reliability and cost efficiency through its cloud solutions.

  • Iaas
  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is one of the three fundamental service models of cloud computing alongside Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS). As with all cloud computing services it provides access to computing resource in a virtualized environment, “the Cloud”, across a public connection, usually the internet. IaaS includes service offerings such as virtual server space, network connections, bandwidth, IP addresses and load balancers.

    IaaS of (n)Code can be utilized by enterprise customers to create cost effective and easily scalable IT solutions where the complexities and expenses of managing the underlying hardware are outsourced. If the scale of a business customer’s operations fluctuate, or they are looking to expand, they can tap into the cloud resource as and when they need it rather than purchase, install and integrate hardware themselves.

  • (n)Code's infrastructure as a service offering can deliver the following features and benefits
  • Lower Capital Expenditure: The underlying physical hardware that supports an IaaS service is set up and maintained by the cloud provider, saving the time and cost of doing so on the client side.

    Scalability: There are no delays in expanding capacity or the wastage of unused capacity.

    Multi-tenancy: The IT Resources can be shared securely among multiple applications and tenants.

    Pay As You Use: The service can be accessed on demand and the client only pays for the resource that they actually use.

    Device & Location independence: the service can usually be accessed from any location as long as there is an internet connection and the security protocol of the cloud allows it.

    Services which we offer from our cloud solutions are backed by our Tier-3 data center. (n)Code data center is composed of multiple active powers and cooling distribution paths, has redundant components and is fault tolerant.

Features of our tier 3 data center

    • N+1 redundancy, which ensures 99.95% System availability.
    • Multiple power distribution paths and capacity Components that are supplied with concurrent Energy.
    • All critical components are supplied with dual power sources and are fault tolerant
    • All the important equipments, such as servers, telecommunication and networking devices are dual powered to conquer unpredictable causes
    • UPS
    • Backup generators
    • Keeps your data secure from illegal or unethical access
    • Power-packed arrangements to deal with unwanted cause, such as component failure, power fluctuations, catastrophes.

Disaster recovery and availability services

Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS)

Cloud computing capacity and scalability mean that disaster recovery, once reserved for the rich and famous, is now accessible to everyone. DR sites in the cloud reduces the need for data center space, IT infrastructure and IT resources, which leads to significant cost reductions, enabling smaller companies to deploy disaster recovery options that were previously only found in larger enterprises.

    • Reduces the need for decision making when disaster happens.
    • Gives you confidence that your business can continue after a disaster.
    • Guarantees the availability of stand-by systems.
    • Provides you with a back-up of information and documents if the original is destroyed.
    • Reduces the risk of human disaster

Dedicated private cloud services

    • Benefit from our experience and learning’s in designing, deploying, and operating.
    • Full control of Access, Availability and Recovery of your data.
    • Scope available for customization in-line with your business.