Ease of Doing Business

Ease of Doing Business

This case study examines the implementation and impact of the Unified Web Portal, a digital platform designed to streamline the issuance of Import/Export licenses for Narcotic Drugs, Controlled Substances, and Opium Cultivation License. By digitizing the entire application process and enabling real-time tracking, the portal aims to enhance efficiency, transparency, and accessibility for trade, industry, and the general public. This study evaluates the benefits and outcomes of the portal's deployment, highlighting its positive effects on facilitating licensing procedures, promoting transparency, and fostering growth in the narcotics-related sectors.

  • A Unified Web Portal that simplifies the issuance of Import/Export license for Narcotic Drugs and Controlled Substances and Opium Cultivation License, benefiting trade, industry, and the general public. Achieved through digitalizing the entire application process, enabling real-time tracking, and ensuring increase in transparency.

Web Portal for acquiring License, Approvals and much more

A Unified Web Portal has been introduced in India to facilitate streamlined interactions in the realm of Narcotic Drugs, Controlled Substances and Opium Cultivation. It serves as a single window for license - Approval - NOC applications related to the same. The portal integrates with other government services for seamless transactions and aims to enhance compliance and transparency. Exporters, importers, and manufacturers will benefit from this user-friendly and secure platform.


Visit and Register on the official Web Portal


Apply for Category Specific License


Upload the required documents


Verification of Application and Documents


Rectification of Information


Issuance of License


Currently, the application process and issuance of Import/Export licenses are done manually, leading to various challenges for stakeholders:

  • Lack of tracking mechanism for submitted applications
  • Higher error rates due to manual submissions
  • Repetitive submission of similar documents for each application (e.g., company profile, PAN, GST details)
  • Officers having to validate the same type of documents repeatedly
  • Lack of process transparency
  • Increased turnaround time for application approvals or rejections


The digitalization and launch of the Unified Web Portal have resolved the challenges faced by stakeholders:

  • Tracking of submitted applications
  • Decreased error rates due to online submission of applications
  • Submission of mandatory document one time only as a profile creation
  • Reduction in application approval/rejection turnaround time
  • Improved Process transparency
  • Improved turnaround time for addressing grievances
  • Integration with external applications/systems
  • No data inconsistencies
  • A description of the implementation of the selected solution
  • We've adhered to industry-standard practices for implementing the chosen solution. Our process includes thorough requirement gathering from stakeholders, planning the architecture, designing a user-friendly interface, developing the backend and frontend, ensuring robust security measures, rigorous testing, phased deployment, training and support for users, and ongoing maintenance and updates to keep the portal secure and efficient.

  • A summary of lessons learned from implementation
  • Key lessons learned from the implementation process include the importance of stakeholder involvement on an early stage for clear requirement’s definition and alignment with their goals. Effective project management ensures resource management and timely completion. Robust data security, user-friendly design, and integration with existing systems enhance functionality. Adequate training, testing, and change management support user adoption. Ongoing monitoring, scalability, compliance, and flexibility contribute to long-term success.

  • Any results that have been achieved from implementation
  • Following the implementation of the Unified Web Portal and complete digitalization of the end-to-end process, there has been a significant increase in online applications for obtaining licenses, approvals, and NOCs.

  • References
  • Contact us to know more: Mr. Karan Bengali (Phone Number: (079) 66743257 | Email id: ksbengali@ncode.in)